Monday, September 19, 2016

Not Ready to Thaw Out: Kristen Bell Talks 'Frozen 2', Says Recording Hasn't Started

The sequel that is expected to be huge is mostly being kept in the dark right now, and for a good reason...

Collider ran an interview with the voice of Anna, Kristen Bell, back in May. Bell had stated that she was probably going to record her lines soon...

Now, keep in mind, this was back before Disney had officially confirmed to the world that Wreck-It Ralph Deux was a thing. To some of us, that interview seemed to indicate that Frozen 2 would indeed be Walt Disney Animation Studios' fall 2018 release. Well, the dust has settled... Gigantic, previously thought to be the studio's spring 2018 feature, landed in the fall slot with Ralphy taking its place. Currently, Disney Animation has two undetermined features on their slate: The former set for fall 2019, the latter for fall 2020.

Bell gave us an update on the film, saying that recording actually hasn't started yet...

"We haven’t, actually. I thought we were about to start recording, but I was mistaken. So, we haven’t begun yet. They’re putting the finishing touches on the script. We record, as those characters, often. At the change of season at the parks, whether it’s for Disneyland, Epcot, or when Japan opens, we will record new voices for our characters, but we actually haven’t started recording for the second Frozen. But what we have been working on is an Olaf Christmas special that we’re doing for next year (airing on ABC). We’ve recorded that already, which has been a lot of fun to work on."

Frozen fever's still in full swing. The lines for the Epcot attraction were ridiculous, and I'm sure this TV special will get tons of views come Christmas 2017. (The first Disney animated film to get one since Lilo & Stitch, which got a TV special in 2006 that followed the spin-off show.) Frozen 2 should fare fine in 2019, though I suspect it won't repeat the sleeper-hit success of the original. It'll be just like the sequels to things like Spider-Man, The Avengers, the original Star Wars... Huge in their own right, but not the juggernauts the fresh-and-new originals were. You can't just repeat those things, and if you do, you must've done something really right.

I'm just glad they're taking their time on it. Frozen will be 6 years old in 2019, and the sequel was announced in March 2015. If they just started it then, it still would've had a long time to stew unlike the first film. The first film, dirty story Disney probably won't tell you, was literally fast-tracked two years before its release date... And it was an unfreezing of a project that had been on-and-off for years, the finished film lines up with director Chris Buck's short-lived 2008 iteration/pitch that got shelved in 2009... So this one was banged out, and I'm in the minority, buuuut... I think the movie has quite a few issues and is overall the weakest of the current Disney Animation batch. I suppose, had it had more time, it could've been much better.

So, since they had a lot more time to figure this one out and are already working off of established characters, I'm confident this could be a genuinely good film and an improvement over its predecessor. (I know, I'm poking a hawk's nest right now.)

What say you?

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